Technically speaking, space is a “boundless three dimensional extent to which objects and events have relative position and direction”. It is also referred as the distance, area and volume that an object or an entity occupies. But what is the space that we jabber about in a relationship? Is the space in a relationship about the positioning of objects and events?  Is space a necessity in a relationship?

Space has become the new cliché in relationships. Giving space to your partner is considered as the most quintessential pre requisite in any efficacious relationships.  Space can also be considered as an act of respect. It is an acknowledgement of one’s feeling by his/her partner.  In this era of modernity, with women becoming in par with their male counterparts the notion of space gains significant importance. The superior-inferior relationship shared by couples have almost ceased to oblivion today (Though not entirely).  Respecting one’s space is the success mantra chanted by many couples for a healthy stable relationship.

Like there is a flip side to every possible thing, Space can also be looked in a negative light. The relevance of eulogizing space in a relationship is sabotaged by the concept of ‘two bodies and a single soul’. There are critics of space who argue that in any relationship the individuals are united by their soul and hence the space undermines the unity of the soul. But then again this notion becomes a fallacy as the individuals themselves are two different entities. Is it possible for two different people from varied backgrounds come together as a single soul? It makes us question on the veracity of the so called togetherness. If unlike poles attract and like poles repel then why can’t space be an attracting factor? Of course there are some couples who brag about the perks of space in a relationship, and how by giving each other their own space, they maintain the relationship.

Space in a relation is important as it strengthens the ties than severe it. But how much of a space is one entitled to give one’s partner? Is there fixity for space in a relationship? Do they come with measures? Space is not a measurable thing as it is just a catalyst in a reaction of two different bodies that produce a harmonious relationship. It is required in the right proportion which only the individuals know. Space can be manipulated and exploited by one party/ both the party if not given in right amount. But that does not mean that space is a potent weapon in the obliteration of a relationship. The individuals have to play it right to work out a relationship. Giving space to your spouse or partner is neither a sign of submissiveness nor a blasphemous act, but it is rather an act of respecting.  After all relationships are all about adjustments and compromises so a little bit of spacing will enhance the relationship of the couples better.